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Explore Academy LVS



Food Service


Course Catalog





Bell Schedule


School Store


Grades Served: 6-12

School Size: 400 students



3551 N Ferrell St.

North Las Vegas, NV 89032


Phone: (702) 483-6332



Staff Directory

General Information

Special Education

IT Support Ticket

Student Transcript Request

Food Service Info Request

The Explore Academy Educational Model

Innovative and creative as never before seen in education, the Explore Academy Educational Model reinvents the entire learning process. For more information about the Explore Academy experience, visit the home page.


History of Explore Academy - Las Vegas

The first Explore Academy opened its doors as a New Mexico state-authorized charter school in August 2014. Explore Academy - Las Vegas was authorized by the State Public Charter School Authority (SPCSA) in 2019 and opened its doors in August 2020.


Explore Academy - Las Vegas partners with Explore Learning Network (ELN) to implement the innovative Explore Learning model, an educational framework based on choice that promotes student growth and responsibility while providing an individualized educational path for each student.




School Administration

Alexandria Taylor, Principal


Explore Academy 101
Watch Now



Lunch Order Form

Student/Parent Handbook

Gender Identity Policy

Restorative Discipline Plan


Assessment Calendar

Test Security Notice


School Supply Lists - Individual, Community

REMIND APP for Announcements


General Info: @EALVSNEWS


Refer-a-Friend Promotion


After School Care Information


Principal Office Hours

Tuesdays, 12-1pm . Make an Appt


Access Grades and Attendance
Parents, did you know that you can view grades and attendance in Infinite Campus?  Please click and watch this one-minute video!


Weekly Family Compass

Please view the weekly school news for families by clicking here.


Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
The EOP school committee reviews and updates the school's Emergency Operations Plan annually. See the Notice of Completion of the EOP Review. Last review 8/9/2024.


Nevada Accountability Report Card

Nevada School Performance Ratings (NSPF) and accountability indicators for 2023-2024 are available at Explore Academy - Nevada Accountability.  State, district, and individual school data for all Nevada public schools, including prior school years, are available in the Nevada Accountability Portal.


Explore Academy - Las Vegas
Nevada Report Card 2023-2024

Per NRS 388A.367, parents received notification regarding the school's performance and a meeting will be held on October 16, 2024 where the school's SY24 rating (1 star for middle school) and plans for improvement will be discussed. 


2024-2025 School Performance Plans (SPP)


English Learner Corrective Action Plan


Staffing Information

including the annual report per NRS 387.12468, which compares personnel and services provided during prior year with those of the current year.​



2024-25 School Year (Gr 6-12)

*NEW* 2025-26 School Year (Gr 6-12)



For families who are interested in learning more about Explore Academy and the model.

Schedule of sessions


Schedule a School Tour



Book an appt for help with enrollment


If more students apply than can be accommodated, students are admitted

based on a lottery. 

The lottery date is set for March 5th, 2025


See Admission and Enrollment Policy here.


If you are interested in positions with Explore Academy, please visit the Careers page for more details or to submit an online application.



are held on the third Wednesday

of each month at 5:00 pm
in-person and/or via Zoom (link on agenda)


Public Notice and Current Agenda​


Schedule of Meetings
Board Member List and Email

Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings Archive

Nevada Open Meeting Law Manual

Fiscal Policies Handbook

Explore Academy contracts with Explore Learning Network (ELN), a non-profit Charter Management Organization (CMO).

Per NRS 388A.020, CMO means:

1.  A nonprofit organization that holds a written charter, charter contract or other equivalent agreement to operate more than one charter school in this State or another state; or
2.  A nonprofit organization incorporated in this State for

the purpose of operating a charter school in cooperation

with a charter management organization that holds a written charter, charter contract or other equivalent agreement to operate more than one charter school in another state.


Per NRS 388A.030, Education Management Organization (EMO) means a for-profit entity that contracts with and is accountable to the governing body of a charter school to provide centralized support or operations, including, without limitation, educational, administrative, management, compliance, or instructional services or staff, to the charter school.


Technology Plan

Explore Academy - Las Vegas has a one-to-one technology program as each student has a Chromebook.   Teachers/staff have either a laptop or Chromebook.  The school provides a device and/or hotspot for students who are eligible for such support.  This reduces the complications of transitioning to distance education in the event of an emergency.


Title IX

Explore Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. Inquiries or reports related to discrimination should be directed to:

Title IX Coordinator: Ali Taylor (via email)



To request any public records pertaining to

Explore Academy, please email us, using "Public Records Request" as the subject. A written request must contain the name, address, and telephone number of the person making the request and must describe the records sought in sufficient detail to enable the records custodian to identify and locate the requested records.



NSLP Statements

Accessibility Assistance


Contact Us!​

We are always available to answer your questions and provide information. Feel free to reach out to us through the contact form here, on our social media pages, or through email.  We look forward to speaking to you!

© 2024  Explore Learning Systems, LLC, service provider managing website for Explore Academy

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