Explore Academy strives to build and maintain a driven, talented team of teachers, administrators and staff members. We provide value to our staff by ensuring support, training and mentoring throughout their employment. We believe learning is a lifelong endeavor for everyone. Our students are successful because of our dedicated and caring staff.
Please see job postings listed below.
Since charter schools are public schools, employees are eligible for NMPSIA and ERB benefits. Explore Academy’s elementary campus in Albuquerque is currently accepting applications for the following positions for SY24-25:​​​​​​​​​​
Education Assistant
Gifted Teacher
Dean of Students
Resumes for other positions can be submitted for consideration anytime
Albuquerque, New Mexico: K-5 Campus
Albuquerque, New Mexico: 6-12 Campus
Since charter schools are public schools, employees are eligible for NMPSIA and ERB benefits. Explore Academy is accepting applications for the following positions for SY24-25​
Resumes for other positions can be submitted for consideration anytime
Las Vegas, Nevada: Grades 6-12
Explore Academy - Las Vegas is currently accepting applications for the following positions for SY24-25:​​​​
Office Manager
Instructional Coach
Guidance Counselor
English Teacher (HS and MS)
Math Teacher (HS and MS)
Science Teacher (HS and MS)
Social Studies Teacher (HS and MS)
Electives (Art, PS, Music, Spanish - MS and HS)
Governing Board Member (volunteer)
Rio Rancho, New Mexico: Grades K-7
Since charter schools are public schools, employees are eligible for NMPSIA and ERB benefits. ​Explore Academy - Rio Rancho is accepting applications for the following positions for SY24-25:​
Resumes for other positions can be submitted for consideration anytime